Inner hair cell transduction as used in Verhulst et al. models. Vihc represents the inner-hair-cell membrane potential in Volts.
The following IHC transduction models are implemented here:
version_year = 2018 ('verhulst2018b')
version_year = 2015
The 2018 model Vihc is obtained from the interplay between K+ ion channels and mechanoelectrical transduction (MET) currents. This model is described in verhulst2018a (Appendix A) and is based on the description/validation described in altoe2018. The influence of calcium channels is not accounted in this script but it is in verhulst2018_auditorynerve.m, where the effective exocystosis rate is controlled by Ca-related parameters. In this script an effect of the calcium channels could be added by setting a leak current but in the current validation such Ikeak is not active (because Gleak is 0).
This model is licensed under the UGent Academic License. Further usage details are provided in the UGent Academic License which can be found in the AMT directory "licences" and at <>.
S. Verhulst, A. Altoè, and V. Vasilkov. Functional modeling of the human auditory brainstem response to broadband stimulation. hearingresearch, 360:55--75, 2018.
A. Altoè, V. Pulkki, and S. Verhulst. The effects of the activation of the inner-hair-cell basolateral k+ channels on auditory nerve responses. hearingresearch, 364:68--80, 2014.